Build-Your-Own Set (Choose 2)

$99 $79

Moogerfooger プラグインを 2 つ選択します。

タイ・セガール | カエルとハエの出会い

Ty Segall が、彼のカスタムおよびヴィンテージ楽器のワンダーランドである Harmonizer Studio にあなたを招待します。 ミュージシャン兼プロデューサーが、ギター、ベース、エレクトリック ピアノ、シンセサイザー、パーカッションのミックス、Moog の新しいソフトウェア エフェクト プラグインを使用して、オリジナルの曲を 1 つずつ作成する創造的なプロセスをご覧ください。

Designed to Work Together

Create your dream Moogerfooger pairing. The Build-Your-Own bundle allows you to combine the Moogerfoogers any way you imagine, creating an effects chain unique for your sound. 

Each member of the Moogerfooger Effects Plug-ins family has been designed to embody not only the warm and vibrant sound of our original analog effects pedals, but also the organic way in which the parameters interact to create a musical playing experience.

With CV interconnectivity, stereo functionality, an extended feature set, the ability to run multiple instances, and presets, these effects tailor the classic Moogerfooger functionality to the modern digital creator.

Moogerfooger Effects on computer

The Moogerfooger Effects Plug-ins Include:

MF-101S Lowpass Filter

The classic Moog ladder filter with an envelope follower for dynamic control

MF-102S Ring Modulator

A wide-range carrier oscillator paired with an LFO for effects from soft tremolo through far-out clangorous ring modulation tones

MF-103S 12-Stage Phaser

A descendant of the vibrant 1970s rack-mounted Moog phaser with an on-board LFO

MF-104S Analog Delay

A rich, full-bodied delay and modulation circuit that has remained highly sought after to this day

MF-105S MuRF

A groundbreaking effect combining a resonant filter bank with a pattern generator and skewing envelope for vibrant animation of an incoming sound

MF-107S Freqbox

A box of gnarly synced VCO sounds with envelope and FM modulation

MF-108S Cluster Flux

A flexible processor that can modulate between chorus, flanging, and vibrato

MF-109S Saturator

A powerful saturation tool based on the classic Moogerfooger input drive stage that adds warmth, distortion, and compression to any sound

Ty Segall | Frog Meets Fly

Ty Segall invites you inside Harmonizer Studio, home to his wonderland of custom and vintage instruments. Witness the musician and producer’s creative process as he builds an original composition piece by piece using guitar, bass, electric piano, synthesizer, a mix of percussion, and the new Moog software effects plug-ins.

The Sounds of the Moogerfooger Effects Plug-ins

The Moogerfooger Effects Plug-ins range from clean filtering to wildly experimental modulation designed to manipulate, enhance, and fully transform any sound. Each with its own distinct identity, these effects are designed to work perfectly alongside one another in your audio chain.

Hear how the Moogerfooger Effects Pedals sound in this collection of samples created by synthesist and Moog instrument expert Lisa Bella Donna.